Space Certifications
Since the founding of our predecessor corporation in 1992, the team at Luft Enterprises have established a reputation as being leading subject matter experts (SME) in the calculation of areas based on existing standards (BOMA/ANSI Z65.1, REBNY, etc.), lease definitions, and preparing space certifications for property sales, sale and leaseback, and other legal transactions.
Since 1997, the team at Luft Enterprises has specialized in providing detailed area calculations for commercial, industrial and institutional buildings to a wide variety of standards and lease definitions. The data gathering and quality control techniques employed by Luft Enterprises ensure that all calculations conform the industry standard margins of errors and meet our clients’ exacting requirements for high quality, accurate data.
Our area calculation services include:
- Polylining at the BOMA, IFMA, or SIOR level of detail for calculation of tenant usable and rentable areas
- Polylining at a room or group level of detail for tracking occupancy information used in implementing charge back systems, producing management reports, and tracking trends and changes
- Polylining to specific client space definitions to verify leased areas based on actual lease definitions